Thursday, November 26, 2009

Miles of Smiles on Thanksgiving

On this Thanksgiving day, I have so many reasons to be thankful: for my husband, our health, our home, our children and grandchildren, friends and family near and far, my brother; oh, I could go on and on.

Speaking of grandchildren, yesterday afternoon we went to my son's house. I was having baby withdrawls and needed to hug Nicole. She had been at McDonald's Playland for the first time and her mom said when Nicole saw it, she stood there and squealed with delight. She was a little wound up and overtired, but she was still my huggy bear.

While we were visiting, Nicholas got a laceration under his right eyebrow and ended up at Urgent Care for wound closure. Light Sabre swords and five little boys playing in the backyard is a recipe for disaster.

Bill and I stayed and babysat Nicole who was exhausted from her adventure and fell asleep. When they returned, my daughter-in-law said, "Well, when you walked through the door you said you had to wait two more hours to clean the new tile floor. It's been exactly two hours." What a sense of humor!

The tile floor looks wonderful, another thing to be thankful for and smile about.

1 comment:

Julia Gordon-Bramer said...

Tile floors are the best thing to ever happen to me.

Next to little boys!