Friday, October 22, 2010

Playing tricks

Oh my gosh! I had a frightening experience on my way home from school this afternoon. I was at a stop light, and off to my left across the intersection, (I did not have a straight on view and the road slighty curves), I noticed a young couple atop a building lunging forward and then running back. I thought they must be pulling a Halloween prank; surely they weren't going to leap off that one story office building. Then about ten feet further down I noticed a family, parents and a young child doing the same thing. My over-active imagination kicked in and I thought maybe they were all committing suicide and were going to plunge to the ground. I tried to close my eyes because I did not want to witness it, then the light changed and I had to drive through the intersection. I looked up at them as they ran forward. Then I realized it was a darned billboard covering atop the roof that had pulled loose and was being whipped in the wind. It was an advertisement for applesause and the characters were life-sized. Their movements were so realistic when the wind gust would catch one end or the other. I thought the people on the roof were crazy. When I told my hubby about it, he thought I was crazy. Guess you had to be there. I sure breathed a sigh of relief.


Lisa Ricard Claro said...

HaHa!! Oh, Linda! What a funny story. I can imagine your distress, stuck in traffic with no way to help. That writer's imagination carried you away---but after your heart recovered you wrote a wonderful blog post!

Pat Wahler said...

I know what you mean. I sometimes catch something in my peripheral vision which my brain interprets as entirely different from what it actually is...thank goodness!


Susan said...

Oh Linda, that was a riot! It must have been soooo scary. I believe you! Susan

Tammy said...

Thanks for the laugh! Next time something like this happens to me, I'll remind myself that I'm not alone!

Anonymous said...

Linda, I would have had a heart attack! But since everybody's okay, it makes for a funny story!

Chatty Crone said...

Cute - if in the right place - not in traffic where it could cause an accident - you know. sandie

Linda O'Connell said...

You all can't imagine how ridiculous I felt and how alarming it appeared, especially since billboards are no longer pasted on, but are made of that parachute material stuff that stretches over the backboard (and billows in a breeze). thanks for stopping by.

jdsanc said...

That would so be me and my husband. Even if we were both sitting in the car, observing that same billboard, he would not see what I would. It amazes me how creative people just see, and feel, and taste, things differently!

Lynn said...

That is funny!

Anonymous said...

Too funny. Our eyes sure can play tricks on us.