That happy faced wooden gingerbread man on the top shelf makes me smile. He is an old guy who watched my kids grow up. He sat on a long shelf that held "teacher mugs". The kids moved out, I gave the mugs away, but I could never part with smiley. I took him to school for learning games every December when we did a unit on the Gingerbread Man. The students placed him in on and under, beside, and in between as they learned positions. They'd laugh like silly when I ended the unit by saying to the last child, "Place him on top ... of ... my head!
I came across the four gingerbread boys at a yard sale. Then I happened into the Dollar General store and found gingerbread GIRLS, and why not? So I bought one for every section of my shelf. The stuffed Mr. & Mrs. were just cute and different, and so I added them to my collection. There's a small shellaced gingerbread house made out of crackers and frosting that a student gave me in 1994 and it is still in great conditon. So this is my gingerbread collection, nothing fancy, but they all struck my fancy, and I just had to have each and every one of them.
Great gingerbread collection, Linda. Just great. Imagine how you found those gingerbread girls! I'm going to have a post soon on gingerbread people around here, too. It's all ready to go but it's been backlogged. Take care, Linda. Susan
Cute gingerbread folks! A different collection than Santas and snowmen...
I went to a major craft show last weekend, over 200 vendors, and the only thing I brought home were Mr & Mrs Gingerbread. I love that they can stay up all winter long.
You have a lovely collection.
Great idea for a holiday collection! Those are adorable!!!
Hi Susan, Claudia and Tammy. Yes, these are fun and an eclectic collection.
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