1. Out in public, I may be sitting right across from you looking into your eyes, but you can bet I am listening to three other conversations going on around me. I always pay my portion of the bill, but I seldom pay undivided attention.
2. Most women want diamonds or flowers for birthdays and holidays. I prefer nightgowns.
3. Most grandmothers play games with their grandchildren when they come for a visit. I play hide and go seek and chase mine through the house, into the basement, indoors and outdoors cackling and screeching, "Gramilda the witch is coming to get you!"
Now I pass this award on to my fellow WWWPs. Wild Women Wielding Pens is more than a critique group. It is a sisterhood of classy, sassy, sometimes smart assy writers. I am indebted to all of them.
Click on the names below to check out the individuals in the best writer's group in St. Louis.
Tammy, Sioux, Beth, Linda, Lynn
Sioux has details posted about our research field trip we attended this past Wednesday,and also our conference at the lake last Sunday. She often has her tongue in check, oops, cheek.
Tammy writes eloquently about a variety of topics, and also shares Senior Sex(less) in the City posts which will crack you up. Scroll down on her blog to read a few.
Beth is intropective at the moment, as her milestone natal day is here. She has a one track mind and knows her stuff. She is a killer critiquer, always spot on. Her snort-laughs send us all into fits of laughter.
Lynn writes poignantly in the epistolary style on her blog to her late mother. She is the hostess with the mostest. She hand writes letters to people and provides all of us with everything we "need".
By the way, there is a contest at backacrehomested.com with a $100 prize and my essay is on line already. Check it out here.
I love how you worded #1. Very clever.
On the chance of sounding a bit immodest, we ARE a force to be reckoned with. Talent. Humor. Honesty. A wonderful hat-trick.
We are all weird in our own way - aren't we and that is what makes the world so wonderful!!!
From one weirdo to another...
Love it love it love it. All of it! ;) Thanks, Linda.
There's nothing like a good writers group to inspire you to do your best, while having some fun along the way!
Loved the picture and the info too. I know you gals have one great time!!!!
Whatever would any of us do without our writing buds?
classy, sassy, sometimes smart-assy... you DO have a way with words! Thanks Linda - loved the post!
I appreciate a good weirdo. That's what my classmates and I used to call each other back in the day. My own kids can't believe we used such a term.
Gramilda is a bit frightening, though. And that's coming from a gal who saw a headless man in her basement.
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