I had a bad reaction to medication from a simple procedure and was in excruciating pain for a week. But all is fine now. That explains my long absence.
Mother's Day brought my son and his children and my daughter to our house. I recieved so many sweet and thoughtful gifts, but this towel spoke volumes.
I have had such fun this year preparing Alex and Charlie for kindergarten. I was fortunate to find this dry erase white board at the curb down the street. I sure put it to good use.
As the four year old Pre-K class concludes, the boys can actually see how much they have learned. They recognize numerals 1-20 and letters/sounds, number words 1-10, color words, and basic shapes, days of the week, months of year and how to get along with others unless it's brothers. They do well at the playground, have good social skills, are friendly and outgoing. They have grown so much!

Older brother Liam was a nervous wreck on Field Day. "I can't run very well. I have never been good at kick ball." He helped bring his team to victory, FIRST PLACE WIN!
See the pride on his face? My wish for all of my great grandsons is a feeling of success, and an I-can-try (and then do it) attitude. Fun summer ahead! Stay tuned.
Oh, that towel! 💙💚
Happy that you love the kitchen towel.♡
You are a wonderful Nana & teacher.
The boys will thrive in KG from all of your
lessons with them.
Glad you're feeling better, Linda.
Looks like the boys are blossoming; due in no small part I'm sure, to your loving involvement in their life.
Enjoy the gifts received from your family! You've got good reason to feel proud of the boys' learning achievements.
I had no idea you were feeling bad!
So sorry you got a reaction to the medication you took. Yes, school is out, and Jess has only a couple weeks to go with her grade school students. The teachers need a break right now. So happy to hear that Liam's team won first place. Boys have so much fun in sports. McDonald's is always a fun treat every once in awhile too. It sounds like the kids are doing good at school and learning to get along with others as well. I hope they have carefree fun Summer days.
Have a happy week, Linda.
ps.....that towel is delightful. Sounds about right. : )
Sorry you weren't feeling well. Love the towel!
I'm glad you're feeling better.
I loved reading the boy's writing. You've certainly given them a good start:-)
Congrats to Liam's team! That's a huge trophy. I like the McDonald's orders. Yes, Alex and Charlie have certainly learned a lot, even though they probably didn't know they were learning at the time!
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