Late evening has always been my favorite part of the day, and this specatcular sunset made me thankful for my eyes, my life, my family. The clouds were stacking into all sorts of characters. Bill and I both spied Neptune with his staff or pitch fork or whatever he holds. The more I gaze at this sunset photo the easier it is for me to spot an angel. Hubby and I were relaxing on the patio when I suggested I grab my camera and we take a drive to a local park. It was an evening of capturing images.
Whistle-Pig, woodchuck, land beaver... around here we call them groundhogs and they are as big as beavers. They are omnivores, excellent swimmers and although they are burrowers, they are also tree climbers if they are escaping predators. |
At dusk the deer in the park start running before settling in for the night. It was such a sight to behold. We could see a herd on the move out in a meadow heading toward us. I waited patiently for them to get closer. They came barreling over the hill and stopped in their tracks on this ridge when they saw me with camera posed, my upper body extending out of the car sun roof. There were a dozen or more. They are used to humans, but I must have looked like a giant. Cautiously they passed behind the car.
On the way home we saw a carnival on a shopping mall parking lot. Toddlers tugged their parents, teenagers swooned over exhilerating rides and each other, adults strolled the midway. Police officers on foot patrolled the area.
This ferris wheel made me think of childhood. My dad would take us to a traveling kiddie carnival, set up temporarily on a corner lot. As I got older, many school picinics were held at Chain of Rocks Amusement Park, and now, we have Six Flags.
Times were different then, not simpler, just not as rushed, and we appreciated little things, an occasional trip to the amusement park, not a daily pass. We didn't need police officers to patrol such events.
Roller coasters, ferris wheels and zipping spider rides...metaphors for a writer's life: ups, downs, stalls, going in circles, nowhere, fast. But once you get going, you zoom and the results can be breathtaking. Hope you have a productive week.
I love the picture of the deer in the field. You live in a lovely place!
Along with other wildlife, a pair of mallard ducks spend the evening in a corner of our yard, The lake is a long way off. The drake discovered the chrome of the truck in the drive and looks at himself, then goes behind the bumper or the tire to find that other guy. It's an evening's entertainment. As funny, the female keeps her distance and calls him occasionally to give it up.
I love the sunset and the cute deer looking on too. My grandson went to Six Flags yesterday.
Sounds like a lovely evening... makes me want to write!
Linda--Thanks for taking us to the park and the carnival with you. Writers do indeed live life twice...
The first picture is gorgeous!
welcome to my new followers. I do appreciate you!
Lovely descriptive post today, Linda, and such wonderful sights you saw in the park. That sunset is quite stunning. I just love sunsets like that. We saw the Super Moon last night. The fullest full moon of the year, as it passed closer to earth than usual. I agree, things seemed to be so much more fun back when we were children. Things were more special somehow, because we looked forward to things, and didn't have them 'on tap' all year round.
Such a pleasant time you had...thanks for sharing...felt like I had been "out and about". Yes, a carnival instead of a theme park...kids can't go back to the other anymore than we can go back to crank phones on the wall!
What, no turtles? I saw seven of them yesterday.
Enjoyed the post and the pictures. I drove into that same sunset last night...and thought the same things. Lovely.
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