We were driving down the highway when a truck with Texas plates whizzed by. I noticed something on the dash. I thought it was one of those bobble head chihauhaus, and it made me snicker.
We stopped at a gas station and there was the same truck at the pump next to us. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a REAL chihauhau sitting on the dash, so I had to snap a picture. She looks much larger here because it is a zoomed in, close up photograph.
Anything strange ever happened to you?
How cute. We were driving one time and a car passed us on the interstate. The guy on the passenger side looked over at us and he had a mask on. It was a little startling!
Dogs are great companions for long-distance drivers.
That is just awful. What is the world coming to? I mean, to go that far off in the wrong direction...How can people's views be so skewed and screwed up! To think that anyone would call that hairy rat a "dog."
Oh, you thought it was odd because it was seated in a "bed" on the dashboard? Never mind...
Actually, I'm speechless. Animals need the same car restraints as children.
I would think riding there would be a rough ride with stops and all...but dog seems okay with it!
Awww! Very cute and I'm sure she enjoys it, but she will be in trouble if that truck is jarred in any way.
I once dropped my son at college and drove home with my hand in a bag of Cheetoes. At some point a van passed me, and on the back was the words, "Got Addictions?" I sort of wanted to honk and wave with my hand breaded in orange Cheeto dust. Or call the number and ask them to pull over and take that bag away from me.
Cute, but dangerous for the dog. We used to let our little 6 lb. doxie ride in our arms looking out the window as we drove. One day we saw a fender bender that deployed the airbags in the car. The driver was hysterical and was thought to be injured. She wasn't injured at all, but her little dog was dead. He had been in her lap.
I had the same reaction as a few of your other posters. Scary place for that little girl to be in case of an accident!
As far as strange happenings? Sometimes I believe myself to be a magnet for them!
That's funny, Linda. That poor little pup, though. If the truck had to stop suddenly, what then? uh oh. Don't like to think of it. And no seat belt!
Well, lots of strange things have occurred. One, I recall, also involved a chihuahua. It was before I was married. I was living in a rooming house and lived in a room next to an elderly lady. Her pet was a chihuahua.
I heard tap, tap, tapping around Christmas time that year. I opened the door to my room and there, down the hall, came the pup, dressed in a Santa Claus suit. He was the smallest Santa I'd ever seen. Cracked me up.
Hope you have a nice Sunday, Linda. Susan
On TV, I saw a guy driving a compact car down the highway with a pony in the back seat. The seat itself had been removed, and the pony stood there with his head behind the driver.
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