Thursday, January 17, 2013

Poof...and I'm not talking my hair!

In the shower, on the beach, floating in a pool, words wash over me; ideas float in every drop. Some roll off, some disappear down the drain, some adhere. Water inspires me, and my creativity flows.

Once in a while, but not often, that happens when I am sleep. I woke up one time with a complete poem in my head and I went right to the computer and wrote it. Or I should say, it wrote itself.

This morning as I was waking, I had the perfect title in my head. I remember being in that half awake state a few times, dozing off and waking, clinging to that remarkable title, aware that I had no story or  poem idea, just a two word title that I absolutely KNEW was perfect.

It was like a whisper in my ear that these two words held my writing future. I was euphoric. I opened my eyes and poof! Couldn't even get it down on a pad of paper at the bedside.

I'm hoping those two words will resurface sometime today. Like all of the words I've known for half a century that occasionally escape me, and then, suddenly without warning, exit my mouth at the most inopportune times. I'd welcome that today.

Two lousy words. Frustrating. Did this ever happen to you?


Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Linda. I think it's wonderful how you carry all these ideas and words in your head like that. I hope that title comes back to you soon!

Susan Sundwall said...

Happened to me last week. Perfect essay idea escaped into the ether. I sooo sympathize!

Susan said...

Hi Linda....Sometimes a dream may be crystal clear but it fades by the time I get it down on paper. Hope the two words come back for you, though. Susan

Bookie said...

Certainly have shared this experience! I find riding in a car with paper in hand is a fertile time of ideas.....

Merlesworld said...

Sometimes but not so much with words but if I write it down I will put the bit of paper somewhere and never find it again.

Sioux Roslawski said...

Yeah, I feel reeeeally sorry for you. I'm cryin' a river for you. I'm playing a sad song on the world's smallest violin. Can you hear it?

You lost two words? With all the publication notches you have on your belt? And you're trying to re-find those two words?

Get over it, Linda. ;)

(As far as your question, that happens to me all the time. I think it's due to a bad word. The word rhymes with "page" and "sage"...)

Val said...

I HATE it when that happens! I'm going out on a limb here, but my guess is that the two words did not involve "flaming globes of Sigmund."

Connie said...

That happens to me all the time. It drives me crazy! At least you know you're not alone. :)

Kim Lehnhoff said...

Sometimes it's a single word, other times a phrase so poetic that I fear I am channeling a long-dead master of literature.

I invariably think of these as I am waking or when I am unable to write them down...and they're lost to me.

Instead of feeling totally bereft, it makes me feel hopeful - did I have that in me? Maybe I can re-create the magic again, when awake.

Anonymous said...

Linda--I feel your pain. Words stick to me, too, but sometimes un-stick (is that a word?) themselves and disappear before I can write them down. Frustrating, for sure. Hope those two little words come back for another visit to you soon.