Sunday, December 30, 2018

There is no Minnesota Fats in our family, but we did play billiards with our feet!

 Looking for a little fun in the new year? Participants from Scouts, school groups, corporate team building events, fraternities, friends and family members all agree is WHERE THE FUN IS. 

Located in South St. Louis on Morganford Road a couple blocks south of Arsenal near Tower Grove Park,  housed in a store front, this family-owned small business offers personal fitness workshops and drop in rates for organized Human Foos Ball. They also have league play. 

In addition to the physical activity and great work out, there are a dozen or more life size games on tables, floors, and walls, such as Connect Four, Yahtzee, Checkers, Scrabble, Chess, but one of the most appealing games is FOOT POOL. 

Grand kids were in from college and both George and Morgan are sports enthusiasts who play league volleyball. Can you imagine how much fun it is to sink stripes or solids without scratching, by using your foot as a cue? There was a group of college kids competing with one another. Laughter galore.
Clayton, the coach and referee, offers encouragement and hugs; calls foul, signals yellow cards and you sure don't want him to hold up a red card when you mess up playing...

HUMAN FOOS BALL. Oh my gosh this was such a work out. Wish I could say Bill and I were participants, but we were actually spectators. We cheered family and friends as they kicked that ball up and down the court. Goalies used knees, legs and feet. Did I say sweaty-hot work out?

That's Bill's daughter Robin cheering a goal point, before she did the floss dance. LOL. We are planning an encore. If you live locally, check this place out. It is affordable and you won't be disappointed. 


Val said...

That sounds like a fun place to go, for people more mobile than I am! I saw Human Foosball on TV a couple months ago, and it was entertaining. Clayton the coach/referee looks like he enjoys his work.

Pat Wahler said...

Looks like lots of fun! I'll have to check it out.

Sioux Roslawski said...

That place DOES sound like fun. Thanks for the information. (And by the way, the new photo: you look fabulous.)

Connie said...

What fun--both to play and to watch. Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best.