Saturday, July 4, 2020

Bringing the sea to me

My ankle pain is easing, and I am physically UP now, but emotionally I am DOWN more than I am up. Yep, life is a roller coaster ride. Try dragging a heavy boot along on the ride, while keeping your balance using a cane, and ripping open heavy duty Velcro strips to encase the boot. It's annoying. But, this too shall pass. I have much for which to be thankful.

                                                               I'm really not that wide.

I've come to the conclusion 2020 will rob us of a beach vacation this year. So I'll relive my happiness by looking at old photos. This one was taken in Mexico, I think.

The sea calls to me in my day dreams AND night dreams. My heart and head are filled with wonderful memories. One of my fondest is a tour we took from our resort to the town banker's property. The tour bus drove through the banker's banana plantation that opened onto wide open land with a mansion that abutted a pristine, calm, turquoise lagoon. It stretched out to the breakers and opened to the sea. We swam and floated in that lagoon one afternoon. I left a little piece of my heart there.

I had a longing to float in the sea. I prefer showers to baths, but I filled the bathtub and soaked until the water cooled. Sometimes you just have to settle for the next best thing, and if 2020 so far is any indication of what's to come...

a monster heat wave is predicted for the Midwest by next weekend bringing temperatures as high as 110 and above.

Happy 4th of July, friends.


Pat Wahler said...

Heat. Ugh! I bless the name of whoever invented a/c.

Have a wonderful Fourth, Linda. Hope you can soon give your boot the boot.

Val said...

It's good to hear that your ankle pain is ebbing. Hang in there, and take some more mental vacations!

Connie said...

I hope you have a nice fourth of July weekend. Sorry you won't be able to take a beach vacation, but it is nice that you have photos and memories of previous vacations and a good imagination as well. I hope your ankle continues to heal and you can boot the boot soon.

DUTA said...

You look smnashing in the picture!
Good to know your ankle is on the mend. That's what is important - to be in one piece and healthy.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Linda. So pleased to hear that your ankle pain is easing, but it does sound very frustrating having to wear that boot. Especially with that heatwave coming along. I couldn't cope with that sort of heat! You will know that I Love the sea as much as you do. Keep looking through old photos my friend. Stay safe πŸ’–

Merlesworld said...

To swim and jump the waves when we were young .

Sioux Roslawski said...

I guess that means that next year, you will have to make TWO beach trips, right?