Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bill's Birthday

It is almost 8:00 p.m. Sunday night and I am so full, happy and tired. Bill's 67th birthday party was fun. Our 4 kids came. Our nine grandchildren tickle my fancy and are growing so fast it frightens me. The baby, Nicole, almost 2, and I snuggled on my bed. She spied the mama rabbit figurine with a baby rabbit on a shelf and had to have them. Nana can't say no. So as we laid down I talked to her about the baby going night-night (like she should have been) and the mama kissing her baby. When I'd make the bunny kiss me, she'd belly laugh. Needless to say she didn't nap. Her brother Nicholas is 7, and everytime he sees me he says, "You look 21." He knows that will get him a hug anytime. He asked,"Nana, who's your favorite?" I smiled and said I couldn't answer. He smiled knowingly and said, "Well, I can answer who MY favorite is. YOU; you're my favorite grandchild!" Silly boy. He will have the girls falling all over him. He and 12 year old Austin chased each other like wild boys.

I played ball with Austin; that kid can slug a ball! Madison 12, and Morgan nine and a half, tumbled and jumped rope. Sean, 10 wrestled with Papa, as did George who is 12and as tall as Papa. Kyle, 16 and his girlfriend came. Ashley, almost 20, and her boyfriend stayed a while before they had to go to St. Charles to shoot film for her photography class. All of the kids are going in so many new directions. The older kids are subdued and sophisticated until somebody starts the family ruckus,a soccer game or tackle. Then all of them including their moms and dads have a free for all on the lawn. Oh yeah, we stop traffic. Wrestling your grandpa, aunt, uncle or cousin, or collapsing in a pile and laughing hysterically is a healthy, physical, fun outlet. We sure made some memories today.


BECKY said...

Gee, does Bill have just one birthday a year?! I feel like I just heard about one not too long ago.....time is an enemy........

Julia Gordon-Bramer said...

Belated happy birthday to Bill!