Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Writer's website to check out

Some wonderful person sent me a website for creative writers. I am unable to link you to CRWROPPS-B (Creative Writers Opportunity Services) which updates daily. You do not have to pay to join. It is worth checking out, especially if you write flash or poetry. I never thought I could write poetry, until I took one of my essays and condensed it to a poem. I recently learned that is an exercise in writing flash. First you reduce a story to a poem, then you remove the line breaks and there is your flash story.

I sent off four Missouri Writer's Guild Chapter contest submissions yesterday and one non ficiton submission not affiliated with the conference. Then I slept ten hours!
I can't wait for this conference April 8-10, terrific speakers, agents, writers! I hope to see YOU there.

Have you written anything this weekend?


Tammy said...

Thanks for the link and exercise. No wonder you slept 10 hours! Wish I'd had such a productive weekend. You put me to shame....

Donna B. said...

Sounds interesting. I will google it. Never heard of flash writing before...

AngelStar said...

thanks Linda! i'm working on a YA sci-fi story, and serializing it on my blog. a leap for me from poems and literary/experimental novels...wishing you "mad" success!angelstar

Clara Gillow Clark said...

Hi Linda, Thanks for the link! Have a great time at the MO Conference! Yup, I'm writing!