This is about as savvy as I feel sometimes when it comes to computers. Thanks to my hubby I was able to repost this. I cannot take any credit, the wise one, the techno geek knows all, and all I have to do is shout, "Honey!" and he comes with his wizard magic.
I have been cursing the mailbox lately. I had an article published in an eight page newsletter, and when it arrived, it was in a plastic bag from the postal service with an apology for the shredded condition it was in. Looked worse than a kid with safety scissors trying to make a paper snowflake.
I sent off a timely essay that an editor asked me to edit and resend. I was so hopeful when I saw the return envelope in my mailbox. I couldn't believe that the yellow sticker pasted across the front was also from the US Postal Service stating my mail was undeliverable to the address. I know how Elvis felt, Return to Sender; Address Unknown! UGH!
I check my email several times a day, and I read my blog before and after work and during lunch. You know what they say about a 'watched pot'. Well I am about to boil over, so I think I will not check my email during my work day and see what happens. My bet, when I get home and go on line a mailer daemon will pop up on my computer. I will snap, completely shut down and give it the boot.
WELCOME TO MY NEW FOLLOWERS, please stop by often. I love hearing from you.
Oh how frustrating!!! I hope it all works out soon!
How frustrating. That happened to me once with a newsletter that was stapled.
I love the photo. It put a smile on my face.
You and the mail system(s) are definitely having a low period! Hope it's already turned around and on the HIGH period! Exclamation point!
Loved the animated pic, too!
You made me laugh. We once had a Christmas card returned (I had mislabeled the zip). We got it back in June. LOL Took six months for the USPS to return it.
Both snail mail and email can be frustrating. I've experienced all those same circumstances you describe. And then with email, there are times people say they never got what I mailed. So frustrating, because then I worry who else might not have received mail...and what I didn't receive. All those acceptance letters, perhaps?!
Great animation. I love to get mail too, as long as it's nice.:O)
Love the cartoon but can relate to the frustrations with the USPS. It's a wonder they are still in business. Email sometimes causes me problems but it's usually fairly reliable (and doesn't shred documents into a snowflake)!
I hear your frustration, but I gotta say; I'd be pretty darned happy to see anything I'd written published-shredded or not! (But then I guess you've gotta send something out to have it published!) Well anyhoo, I hope Uncle Sam's mail service gets it together and takes better care of your stuff! And that cartoon you posted; hilarious! I think I resemble that gal when I wear a sleeveless shift...
Oh, Linda, that is very frustrating. Hope you have better luck in the future. I admire you for submitting so many things! Good for you. Just ordered two copies of Thin Threads of Faith and Hope. I'm so excited to have a story in it. Thanks to you for telling me about that series of publications! Susan
Frustrating indeed!
Just stopping by to tell you that you were the winner of "The Writer's Workshop in a Box" at my recent blogoversary party. Please send me your mailing address so I can send the prize to you. (Reach me at gilmartin_michael@yahoo.com)
Hopefully the USPS will do a better job getting the prize to you!
Thanks for participating over at The Year of Writing Dangerously. It was fun!
I'm glad I stopped by today. Your picture made me laugh (I love to laugh) and your husband sounds like mine. I don't know what I would do without his computer genius! By the way, I have a contest giveaway on my blog you might find fun. Take a look. triumphandtears.blogspot.com
Your little cartoon is funny! Sorry about your postal problems.
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