Friday, November 4, 2011

Give me a little hug, won't you, huh?

Every person needs a daily dose. It has no monetary value. It is one of the most beneficial things in life; it is affirming, healing and transfers energy from one person to the other. It is a hug.

Four year old Nicole was over last night for a couple hours. She and I drew pretty designs on paper plates. Then she snipped the edges.

She played 'family' with three dolls. A big rubber boy doll (wearing her daddy's baby clothes) for Paw-paw, a chatty pull-the-string-doll for me (hmmm) and a Baby Beautiful baby doll for herself. She named them and gave them personality traits.

Paw-paw Bill being the male that he is, held the doll for a moment, and then he chased her, played monster, teased her etc. She would run to me with open arms shouting, "Hold me, Nana!" Then she'd yell, "Do it again, Paw-paw!"

She knew her safety zone was in my arms. How often we go through life unable to say, "Hold me." or "Hug me."

Later as she was snuggled with me in a blanket on the couch, she jumped up unexpectedly, ran over to Paw-paw, laid her head in his lap, wrapped her little arms around him and said, "I love you Paw-Paw Bill, let me hug YOU."
She sat on his lap and they snuggled for a while.

I think I disagree with my previous statement that there is no monetary value to a hug. Sometimes a hug is worth a million bucks.

When you are in the midst of a heated discussion with anyone of any age, and one of you says, "Stop that right now!" It is almost impossible to immediately switch gears. Human beings reason with emotions first and logic second. It requires a powerful shift in our emotional state to turn off what is bothering us. BUT...a hug first can lead to peaceful resolution.

Today, won't you give away one smile and one hug? The energy spent will be returned. Know that God loves you, and His door is always open even if yours isn't. He believes in you even if you don't believe in Him. My personal belief is, one God, one earth, many religions. HUGS to all of you.


Lynn said...

HUGS to you Linda! Nice post.

Claudia Moser said...

HUG :)

Bookie said...

Thank you, Linda. I need those hugs today!!!!!!

Elizabeth said...

So true, Linda. Scientists have even proved the benefits of receiving a hug and the power of touch and it is something that in our politically correct,no touch world we sometimes lose sight of. Sending you a huge cyber hug. x

Tammy said...

Oh, beautiful. And beautifully said. ((((HUG))))

Lisa Ricard Claro said...

Sweet Nicole! The best moments are often the ones we don't plan for. I agree that hugs matter! We're a physical bunch in our house--hugs, back pats, smoochies, squeezes, Eskimo kisses--don't think I could live without all that.

Kim Lehnhoff said...

I'm glad I turned into a person who welcomes hugs - for a long time, I wasn't.

Yesterday, I did defensive hugging to try to get The Boy to come down from his batshit crazy self...

Southhamsdarling said...

Lovely post Linda. Sending a big hug right back to you.

Susan said...

Awwwww, Linda. I'm sending you a hug right NOW! Susan

Jennifer Brown Banks said...


Your WRITING IS LIKE A BIG HUG! Thanks and many blessings.



BB said...

I will be 51 next Sunday and hugs are how I've gotten this far in life. Hugs for love, hugs for support, hugs for sorrow, hugs for just being "Grandma", hugs for being a friend. The list is endless. We all need them. Great post.