I've had two writer-related experiences lately that have gotten my wheels spinning and have left me aggravated and scratching my head. I submitted a story to an editor who was seeking "female reproductive stories" for an anthology. I wrote an essay about my miscarriage many years ago. The editor replied that the essay was wonderful, and asked me to consider allowing it to be posted on the website, as opposed to being included in the book (no compensation). HUH? I don't think so!
Recently, I queried another person on a story that would fit perfectly in a book that this editor is developing and seeking stories for. I received an email stating that the book is not an anthology, but YES do send the info, although my words won't be anthologized. Now, why would I want to give my story or the idea away? Exposure?
I want credit and compensation. I ask you, is that asking too much from a writer?
Boy,is this hitting home! I just got a web site today that wanted romance story for no compensation. I thought for a minute and then deleted. I don't need much, a byline, appreciation and a copy will do many times. But money talks, says you were "worth" something and we writers, even "little ones" need some dollars too. I remember when a student told me that I should teach because I loved the profession. I said I did, but when I went to Wal-mart for bread and cheese, they would not accept my appreciation at the checkout!!! :)
Well said! There was a time when I may have considered the miscarriage story, just to get it out there and to see a byline, but to ask for my material for YOUR book is ridiculous. Thanks for responding to my vent.
That's frustrating, but at least you're generating interest. I've had such a long dry spell it feels like the desert in August!
Linda, it's too bad you didn't hear Catherine Rankovic's talk as the keynote speaker at the MWG Writing Conference. You would have loved it. Basically how writers are underpaid and we deserve more. Much more than that. So in answer to your question, NO it's not asking too much!
If you were selling any other product, and a potential client said they loved your product, so how ‘bout you just give it to them, pretty much everyone would realize how rude that is!
Good for you, Linda.
I'm not looking to make millions from writing, but I do expect a decent wage for my blood, sweat and tears. The tears alone are worth 10 bucks!
Ditto, m'dear. As usual, you're right on target.
Thanks to all of you who smoothed my ruffled feathers. I believe in charity, but not robbery. You are all the best! And Pat, I hope your dry spell ends soon, and I don't mean with the impending rain.
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