Friday, May 8, 2009

Life in general~

What a thunderstorm this morning! This afternoon we attended 7 year old, Nicholas' school pageant about the rain forest. Looking at that little guy up there on stage made me have flashbacks of my son, his daddy, at that age. Eighteen month old Nicole was a character, singing and dancing in her seat. She recognized me and she shouted,
"Nana!" Be still my heart.

Good news on my daughter-in-law who spent two hours at the opthomalogist. He says he sees a slight clearing in her eye. No periphereal vision at all. The virus had been attacking her retina.

She told him she was going to college in August; he said, her eyesight may not be improved enough. We are thankful there is any improvement. Thanks for the prayers. He wants to see her twice a week now.

Lately, life has been like a thunderstorm; the dark storm clouds are edging their way out, the winds have subsided and there is a slight clearing. I'm waiting for the rainbow, because I believe in miracles.

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