I'm back! Two and a half weeks of beach vacation, what a treat! I am satiated. I've had enough salt water, an abundance of good food, wonderful weather (one day of rain)and I've left miles of footprints on several beaches.
On our way to Florida, we stopped in Georgia so that I could meet three of my blog buddies, Cathy, Debra and Lisa. I then realized there were so many more who live in the Atlanta area. Sorry I missed some of you.
I no sooner opened the restaurant door, and I could hear the slap-slap-slap of footsteps as Cathy C. (funny girl) Hall came running towards me and grabbed me in a bear hug. Lisa was next in the welcome line, and Deb, a home schooler was sweet and somewhat reserved. It felt like I had known these women all of my life. We laughed, exchanged gifts, and swapped stories, and laughed, and teased and laughed, and took pictures. My hubby pulled a chair up to the booth and added to the conversation.
"We travel well together. She doesn't say too much. But you should see her sign language. Usually I know that this means slow down, back off, get over...but when she nearly stood up with her seat belt on and flapped her arms wildly..."
He had everyone laughing.
It is really a good thing I do not live closer. You all know, I would be an instigator in getting us all in messes. I wish I could have spent more time. But memories of a lifetime can be made in a moment. This was one of the best half hours of my vacation.
Note: Cathy on a stick travels far and wide and has lots of experiences.
Note: I look like a big fat cardboard cut out, like Flat Stanley compared to these tiny women. That's it, next time you see me there will be a twenty pound difference, ten pounds either way :)
My next post will be on the topic of what I learned about writing while I was at the beach. And no, I didn't do one iota of writing, other than jotting ideas.
I imagine it's "Writing's a beach. Especially when writers' block hits." Right?
It's great (for us) that you're back.
So now you're fully recharged - welcome back:-)
Hi Sioux,
I tried to keep up with 'certain' blogs on my cell phone while I was away. Yeah you know! Missed you too. Thanks for the title idea :)
Glad you're back safe and sound. And I think it's great that you got to meet 3 blog friends. I had a chance to meet 2 earlier this summer on my trip to Florida. I say I met them...really, I "met" them a few years ago...we just got to enjoy face-to-face time for the first time ever.
I have 2 blog friends (Sandie and Linda) that live in the Atlanta area. Getting together with them would be fabulous.
Have a grat weekend.
Hi Patti,
Is Sandie Chatty Crone? If so, I realized too late I missed her in Atlanta. Isn't it fun to connect in person?
I've traveled to meet online friends before (and that's how I met The Mister), but I've never ventured outside the area to meet bloggers.
Lucky you!
Missed your posts - glad you're back!
What a wonderful gathering! And happy you enjoyed your holiday, jealous for the good weather you had! In Germany we have now mostly autumn weather!
I believe I met Cathy in Atlanta when I met Becky - she was so sweet!
How fun to meet other bloggers! Hope some of you make it to Washington state some day!
Linda, we did have fun, didn't we? And you're pretty funny, yourself! Glad you had such a good time--even though you didn't write a word, I'm sure you're busting with stories.
And yes! I met the charming Chatty Crone...who knew folks would have to come from MISSOURI so I could meet someone 20 miles up the road from me? :-)
Wow. Sounds like a great vacation all around! Missed your posts, though!
Glad you had that special time with your friends and made memories to last until you can get back there.
Hey Linda! I still can't over the coincidence that you and I were meeting practically the same gals, on practically the same day! Too Weird!!
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