If you are having trouble developing a character and your words are up a tree, escaping your grasp, don't give up. Allow your characters free rein. Observe, meander, allow them to surprise you. If you have to back away, catch your breath and let your characters rest, then do so. If you need to prod them into action, don't hesitate to climb that tree and go after them. Just as I posed the boys for a photo, writers position words into sentences, phrases, paragraphs and essays.
Allow for playfulness.
Aren't they cute :)))
I love that! Allow for playfulness. :)
I am flat wore out from my characters tree-climbing! (But they're much more exciting then, huh?)
What a nice looking batch of fellows you have in your life!
Nice connection you make for writers here. Playfulness wins the day!
What a wonderful way to showcase your grandsons while at the same time making a point about writing.As always, well done, Linda.
What a handsome lineup!!
That was cute, Linda. Your grandsons are good sports! Take care. Susan
Love the analogy! And so true...
As always, great advice, Linda.
Critter Alley
P.S. Your grandsons are very handsome young men!
I am relieved to see that you are not on the lawn with them, pitching delightfully-colored Easter eggs for them to hit with a Cardinals' souvenir wooden bat.
Because that's how my mom interacts with HER grandsons.
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