This was my view at 4:30 a.m. when I looked out the front door. I was awakened by 45 mile per hour wind gusts rocking the house, bending tree branches. Heavy, wet snow was falling at one inch per hour. The temperature was above freezing, but the snow was so heavy it kept piling up. Electric poles snapped, power lines were down, and resulted in closing all traffic, north and south bound on the major interstate. Electric transformers were exploding in bright blue flashes of light. There are 38,000 homes without electricity.
At daybreak I stepped outside to photograph this freaky storm. It did look pretty.
This view out the back window is the snow melting down the window pane as it stuck to the tree branches and shed. Bizarre!
This is my footprint in the 5 inch deep snow.
My little plaque expresses exactly how I feel.
Now, take a look at the bottom of the black pole. The snow is so heavy it is sliding down the pole in one section. That is my confused little rose bush. It was 78 degrees just a few days ago.
Look over Bunny Boy's shoulder, spring is apparently around the corner.
Friends and family who live twenty miles north didn't see a snowflake. St. Louis was in that narrow band of wild weather which is now heading off to the East. Streets are slushy and kids are out having fun in this mess.