I'd like to thank
Susan J. Reinhardt for this interview. I am happy to be part of her book blog tour. Please leave a comment.
Susan J. Reinhardt's journey to publication began as a non-fiction writer. Her appreciation for using fiction techniques inspired her to use novels as a vehicle for truth. She's been published in The RevWriter Resource, Devotions Magazine, A Secret Place, Vista, Live, and numerous other compilations and periodicals.
A widow, stepmom, and active church member, Susan enjoys reading, couponing, gardening, and searching for small treasures in antique shops.
The Moses
Conspiracy by Susan J. Reinhardt

A trip to post-terrorized
D.C. in 2025 and a buggy accident in
Bird-in-Hand, PA
set in motion events that expose a diabolical plan to destroy the Christian
community. Ellie and John Zimmerman find themselves embroiled in a
life-threatening investigation, fighting a shadowy enemy.
Convinced it's now safe to visit D.C., Ellie and her
firstborn, 8-year-old Peter, travel to the nation's capital. Both mother and
child make an effort to enjoy the sights, but they're unprepared for the
challenges they face. Her nightmares come true when she and Peter are
Back home, John witnesses a neighbor's buggy accident. The
suspicious circumstances and law enforcement's refusal to take them seriously
prompt him to take on the role of detective. He and a tenacious reporter band
together and vow to find out what's happening in Bird-in-Hand.
Extended family squabbles erupt when John's sister,
Annaliese, faces off with Ellie for blowing her D.C. experiences out of
proportion. She'd rather ignore the warnings than deal with the growing danger.
John and Ellie can't decide whether her trip and his
involvement with the accident were such a good idea. People are getting hurt,
and their own family receives ominous warnings. Turning back the clock is not
an option, but going forward could initiate more violence.
The small community is shattered when the unthinkable
occurs. Will family, friends, and neighbors band together or allow fear to
prevent them from taking action?
Caught between strained family relationships and a faceless
enemy, the couple rely on God for wisdom and protection. Little do they know
that He's working on their behalf each step of the way.
The scabs of a past tragedy get ripped open, and the truth
of their second child's death is revealed. While they may expose the culprits,
will they survive the heartache it brings?
An interview with SUSAN J. REINHARDT
1. What inspired you to write
The Moses Conspiracy?
late husband and I visited Gettysburg
prior to Christmas in 2004. While standing in the old town square, surrounded
by history, I could "hear" the forefathers' voices. However, they
were like fading echoes.
several failed attempts to write non-fiction pieces, I put it on the back
burner and prayed for direction. In August 2005, my husband and I were talking
about "the Gettysburg
experience," and he said, "That's it!
That's your book! And you'll write it in 4 months and call it Ghosts of
the Past."
thought he was crazy, but caught the vision. The name changed to Echoes of the
Past and later to The Moses Conspiracy. When I sat down at the computer, I had
no clue what I was going to write. By Christmas 2005, I had 55,000 words.
2. How long did it take you to write the
book? Was it an easy journey?
The first draft took 4 months, but then I had to learn how to write fiction. I
cut my writing teeth on this book. There were multiple re-writes while I
shopped it around. It took 8 years to write, get a contract, and an agent.
journey was far from easy. From 2006-2007, I wrote very little due to my
husband's battle with leukemia, death, and subsequent challenges. When I came
through the grief process, I knew I had to finish the book both in his memory
and because I felt the Lord had directed me to write it.
3. What do you hope readers will take
away from your book?
are several messages, including the faithfulness of God during difficult times,
the importance of protecting our freedoms, and building strong family
4. What genre is your book?
loosely define The Moses Conspiracy as Christian Speculative Fiction because it
takes place in 2025. Although it takes place in the near future, I've avoided a
lot of techno-babble. One take-away I wanted for the reader was the possibility
this or something similar could happen.
5. Please give us a thumbnail sketch of The
Moses Conspiracy.
A trip
to post-terrorized Washington, D.C.
in 2025 and an unusual buggy accident in Bird-in-Hand,
PA set in motion events that
expose a diabolical plan to destroy the Christian community. Ellie and John
Zimmerman find themselves embroiled in a life-threatening investigation,
fighting a shadowy enemy.
6. What are you working on now?
Moses Conspiracy is the first book in a trilogy. Book 2, with a working title
of, "The Scent of Fear," takes place 3 years after the initial story.
The rough draft is written and is now in the editing stage. The third book,
"Lost and Found," is still in its infancy. Each book is a stand-alone
novel, but builds upon the previous plotline.
7. Tell us a little about your writing
written for many years, but only started my publishing journey 10 years ago.
Non-fiction is my first love, and I'd still like to produce a devotional or
other non-fiction book down the road. I digress. I've had numerous devotions,
short pieces, and a few compilation stories published along the way.
has always interested me, but I never pursued it until a visit to Gettysburg in 2004 stuck
in my mind.
8. What advice would you give others on the
writing path?
journey is different, but the main thing I'd advise is to stay true to the
vision God has given you. That said, publication may come in non-traditional
forms such as self-publishing, print-on-demand, or ebooks.
considered all these options when shopping The Moses Conspiracy around the
usual channels, but never felt a peace about them. Helping Hands Press, a
small, independent, royalty publisher, found each other through a mutual
friend, author Kathi Macias.
9. Tell us about "the call."
it wasn't a call. It was actually a series of email communications. My eyes
almost popped out of my head when I saw the subject line, "We want to work
for you. Can we talk on the phone?"
10. How did you react?
I did
the ol' Snoopy dance and then near-panic set in as it sank in. This was a
moment I'd waited for, but could I really do this? After a pep talk from my
critique partners and good friends, I settled down and started checking off
items on my to-do list. Yes, I have a list for everything!
11. Where can readers get The Moses Conspiracy?
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo