Monday, October 4, 2021

Change is coming

 It seems I have lost some loyal blog followers. I hope my family pics and posts didn't bore them to tears or scare folks away. I believe what is meant to be will be in all aspects of life.  

Summer is sashaying right on out of here, and fall is putting on a preview of what's to come in a few more weeks. This is my favorite season to be outdoors. I hope to get in a few more steps and read another book outdoors. I like it that I have to wear a lightweight sweater in the mornings and evenings.

I notice change in the my the world. I worry and wonder, but in the end I try to live my life by the words in this plaque. 


Kathy G said...

When I go back to posts from five or six years ago I have almost an entirely different set of commenters than I do now. Change happens.

Susan said...

This is such a comforting saying. I love to think of a miracle being just around the corner. Hope YOU get one soon, too, dear Linda. Take care. Hugs. Susan

Sioux Roslawski said...

Linda--If people are truly loyal, they'll stick with you.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a wonderful verse this is, Linda. And it's something to remember each day. Thanks for sharing it. It's also getting colder here in the mountains, and I'm wearing my flannels now. Yes, some changes in the world I worry and wonder about too, but the changes in the seasons I'll always welcome, and Autumn I will embrace.

Have a blessed weekend.


BECKY said...

Hi Linda, the only reason I can think of that less people commenting these days is that old culprit FACEBOOK! So many have opted to go there to post short tidbits and comments, etc. (I'm sorry to admit, I'm one of them, too.) I keep saying I'll start blogging again like I used to, but just can't seem to do it. And so, I guess that, too, is part of the "changes" happening to and around us. I worry and wonder, too, about the future of our country, and the world.

Linda O'Connell said...

I am unable to post on my blog. Any suggestions???

Quiet and Sun by Alexa said...

Change is inevitable...



You can count me in as a faithful follower! Even when I don't have time to leave a comment. Keep being positive and don't worry about the rest. :-)



Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. : )


Pat Wahler said...

Hey, Linda, I'm still here! Trouble is the only way I get notifications is if I see you post something on FB. Just happened to stop by and find this.

Write from the Heart said...

If only I could figure out this technical snag to accessing a POST button on my blog!

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Chrostmas, happy holiday, and blessed New year.

Agustin Svennigsen said...
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Christine Walter said...
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Write from the Heart said...

Dear Readers, I am alive and well. I am unable to POST on my blog. Trying to resolve the issue.