I also was asked to contribute an article for publication to the St. Louis Writer's Guild publication, The Scribe on essay writing.
And I had a personal essay about meeting Chuck Berry accepted by the St. Louis Writer's Guild for their upcoming anthology on St. Louis.
That's my twoot-twoot-twoot.
Yesterday the weather was gloomy and the sky bleak. We drove about an hour to Alton, Illinois and saw a few eagles on the river, not many. But it was fun to take a drive and stop for lunch.
I spied an eagle soaring above the car and told Bill to pull over. By the time we parked and got the camera ready, the bird had taken off in another direction. But it was one of those nature 'moments' that make me all mushy inside.
We walked along the river bank a short distance until our teeth started chattering. I was thrilled by the sound of the ice cracking as it layered and lapped up to shore.
We saw a large red dog or more likely a coyote, and this incredible tree which had been gnawed by beavers. Sometimes we all feel like we're teetering like this tree, but somehow we find the strength to stand strong, despite all the knicks and knocks.
If winter gets you down as it sometimes does me, just think, spring is 11 and 1/2 weeks away. Meanwhile, write something, anything for your own satisfaction, and stay warm.
Snow has arrived, 5:30 p.m. and I am going to snuggle in, eat a bowl of homemade chicken stew, and garlicy buttered hot rolls, and later a couple of mini chocolate donuts as I watch for school closings. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Congrats! What wonderful January perks for you!
COLD here...I hear you have snow. May your good news keep you warm! :)
As you watch for school closings, keep your fingers crossed for Ferguson-Florissant closing tomorrow.
Your picture of the river, with the sun (?) creating a circular light at the top of the photo, was a good one...
I went to Cuivre River State Park a couple of weeks ago, and the beaver activity was quite evident...Lots and lots of trees gnawed on.
I'm glad you got out to enjoy the outdoor splendor, and hopefully, tomorrow, you will be able to snuggle on the couch and read or write or veg out...
Congratulations again. Looks like 2011 is off to a great start for you! Love the nature pictures...so many cool things to see.
You sure did get a lot more snow then we did - we are both going to have some fun. sandie
Wowsers, Linda. You had a triple twoot! You deserve a triple pat on the back for all your hard freelancing efforts. Congratulations. Really nice work. Susan
Wonderful news, Linda. Congratulations for your accomplishments. You are inspiring.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the kind words. I am editing my book today since I have a snow day. We really only have a couple of inches, but almost all of the school districts cancelled. I'm happy!
Congratulations, Linda. What encouraging news.
Thanks for sharing. It gives us motivation to stick with it ourselves. I also enjoyed the photos that went along with your words. Happy Snow Day!!!
Congrats on your acceptances! I love the sound of your dinner even though I couldn't eat it:))
Thank you for stopping by.
What a cool post. LOVE the tree!
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