I am a believer. I believe in positive energy, I believe in myself, I believe in helping others, and I believe the worst that can happen when I step out in faith is an editor may reject my work. I believe that there is a power greater than mine at work in this universe, and when I send my work on its way, I ask for blessings.
I am blessed to have so many supportive and wonderful writer friends in my life. I would like to encourage you to write something before you go to sleep this day, anything, even if it is a note.
One of my students gave me a stack of three note pads, by Lady Jayne, Ltd. Each has an inspirational message printed on it. I want to encourage you to do just this
Please post the first line of your work in progress and inspire all of us. My email is billin7@yahoo.com, so if you do not wish to post on my blog, feel free to share privately.
Thank you for this post. What's weird is that MY work in progress is ABOUT the power greater than mine that's at work in this universe, so I hope it's a good sign. I'm still working on the first line, which didn't look right when I pasted it here, so I may send it to you. Congratulations on having a great post dedicated to you!!
Gettin' cold here and dark like the skies are full to bursting point.
First line:His body rocked as the cage lowered him down the shaft, his pick ax occassionaly nudging the wire wall.
Hi Linda...I'm so grateful for fellow writer friends, too, including you! You are very encouraging. Plus, you told me about Thin Threads. Congrats on being honored. You deserve it. Susan
Thanks for the mention, Linda. You go girl! You grow girl!
Jennifer is a source of inspiration, that's for sure!
I thought your first comment was a sinister, first line about impending doom. Then I realized you are talking about the big one. Your first line is suspenseful and made me grit my teeth.
Great minds think alike. Do send it, the entire story if you wish. Stay warm.
Susan and Karen,
A little inspiration is what this world needs right now. Thanks for bringing your inspiration to me.
This is the first line (okay, it's a very long sentence) of a piece I have been struggling with for quite a while.
Scooping up a small heap of mayo-laced dip onto the pita chip, chewing furiously so she could inhale the next mouthful, she suddenly realized what she was doing...why she ate a dozen unbaked chocolate chip cookies at a sitting, broken only by sips of milk...why she would shush the hiss and sizzle of the oil, praying no one would hear something cooking and wander in as she fired up the griddle and in private ate a mountain of pancakes, loaded with syrup and butter and pecans...why she would order the large mocha Moolatte (with extra chocolate) from Dairy Queen, slurp up all 1,800-plus calories on the way home, and then hide the empty cup at the bottom of the trashcan.
Okay Sioux, that WAS you lurking in the shadows outside my kitchen window :)
Here's my take on your first line, this gal has cabin fever from being shut in by an ice/snow storm. She's popping her buttons, splitting her seams, and her mind is about to snap.
Congrats, Linda! I haven't even hopped over there to read about you yet, but I will! Here's the first line in my memoir: My mother told me in so many words that she thought I was nuts.
Oh Becky, I am choking on my laughter. What a hoot, the "so many words" makes this hysterical.
Congrats again, Linda! Sorry I don't have a first line--I'm wearing my copywriter hat tonight. Enjoyed reading everyone else's post, though! :)
Hi Dianna,
Thanks for stopping by. "Copywriter hat" has connotations, busy woman. You wear so many.
Congrats Linda. Here's one I've been working on for some time:
Mom wore that forest green button with the white bubble letters – E.R.A. - every day. To work, to church, to the grocery store. Even out to dinner with my father, which really put him off. He’d roll his eyes and she’d just smile. The amendment didn’t pass. Things went downhill for my mom from there.
First line:
"We all have a prayer life."
Very inspirational post. Congrats on the post dedication!
How I can relate to this great post. I remember those buttons and Phyllis Schlafly who worked hard to set the movement back, but as you well know, strong women have a way of persevering. This is a great beginning. Is your story fiction or personal essay?
First line: "This demon found her hunger"
This is fun! ;-)
Hi Sylvia Sky ;)
Some folks are blatant; some quietly beseech, others deny, but when it comes right down to it, PLEASE and HELP ME are powerful words, often unrecognized or denied, but in my opinion, prayers.
Is this a first line of your WIP? If so, I can see this going in any number of directions.
Thank you. I am always impressed with your writing. Why not give it a shot?
Your sentence has my imagination running wild. I have an idea she was satiated by her own tongue.
Congratulations. It's nice to be recognized.
First line: Clayton and I are alone in the pool playing catch. He throws the ball over my head. I swim after it, but when I turn around he is gone.
Hi Linda,
I just finished a short story for First Line magazine, so I hope it's okay. They provide the first line, "Sam was a loyal employee," and the story is to evolve from that.
Welcome Alice! The word 'alone' gave me a sense of foreboding. I wonder how old Clayton is, but it might not be pertinent, YET. You've hooked me!
Hi Donna,
That sounds interesting, and wow! could you take this story in many interesting directions. Do they specify genre? I will have to check out First Line. Thanks for playing.
It's a personal essay/memoir. I've got pages, but am still working to bring it together...haven't decided where it's going yet.
Hope you are staying warm!
Linda, I'm so glad to know my first line made you laugh so much!! That's obviously what it's all about!! :)
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