Did you ever wonder about the origins of common phrases?
KEEP THE BALL ROLLING means to maintain momentum. As writers we all have to do that whether we announce our intentions, publications and book signings through social media or in person. High visibility is imperative.
This phrase comes from the presidential election of 1840, which was won by Whig party candidate, William Henry Harrison. The campaign included pamphlets, buttons and banners and one unique, giant, six-foot paper ball with all the Whig slogans written on it. Harrison's first supporters took it from town to town, rolling it down the streets shouting, "Keep the ball rolling!"
So my fellow writers, whether it is a sheet of paper that you wadded up and tossed in the trash, an acceptance or a rejection letter, add it to your collective ball and roll out the words. Broadcast your news. Others will relate, celebrate and gravitate to you. If your ball has been at a standstill, give it a nudge, get your ball rolling, because for every uphill there's a downhill.
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the uplifting advice.
Gotta go--I'm off to roll a ball.
That is good advice and I really get disappointed when one of my friends lets their ball stop for a long time.
Good advice on a day when weather and other influencs are trying to stop my ball! I am determined to wordsmith something to day!
Hi Linda, thanks for stopping by my blog last week. Sorry to hear you've been out of the loop lately - hope everything eases up for a while!
Great advice and an added bonus as I love hearing about the etymology of our language.
Take care.
Relate...celebrate...gravitate...Nice string.
Great advice (as usual from you) and a bit of a history lesson, to boot.
Funny I should read your post tonight as I procrastinate on a piece I'm writing. Thanks for the nudge!
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