Friday, January 24, 2020

So what do YOU believe?

When things go wrong, don't go wrong with them. ~ Caroline Kenmore

This quote is profound, in my opinion. There are so many lovely sayings and empowerment quotes to inspire and keep us on track, but I believe this one should be a mantra, a way to live life.

Often when our thoughts start to snowball, we act impulsively and irrationally, and pretty soon anxiety takes the wheel, and the situation gets further out of control. 

So often we want to fix a problem... our way, right away, instead of inviting God to step in and take control. 

My mom always said, "In His time, not our time." The older I get, the more I know this to be true.

Recently I learned this lesson when I calmed my inner, anxious voice. While I was trying to do everything in my power to find a used car for my grandson, and getting nowhere fast, there was already a plan in the works. 

When I got quiet, meditated, backed away, and put the problem in God's hands, the car came to us. 
I was driving home when a bald eagle circled my car overhead. I knew! I just knew!

My daughter called and said, "You won't believe what just happened. A lady wants to get rid of a car so SHE called my girlfriend's husband, who is a mechanic. He didn't even know her! She just wants the car gone; she's selling it for (unbelievable price). He's going to go over it for us and..."

I always believed! But believers sometimes have to calm their minds and find a way to not go wrong when things go wrong. 

Everything works out... the way it is supposed to. I believe that!


Sandi said...

So much truth in this. Just follow Him.


DUTA said...

Your mother was right.
Hope your grandson enjoys his newly bought car.

Val said...

No coincidences. Things happen for a reason.

Sioux Roslawski said...

Linda--I'm so glad your grandson found a car. Yes, destiny is hard to understand, but delightful when it works out.

Kim Lehnhoff said...

I'm glad he's getting the car. Safe travels!

Kelly Steel said...

Safe travels. Lucky guy getting the car for so little.

BECKY said...

Very cool story, Linda! I love it, too, when things just kind of fall into place. That's happened quite often to Ron and/or me the past few years. They weren't always the "best" things possible, but they worked out at the time, and that's all we needed.

Connie said...

It is amazing, isn't it, the way some things work out if we just stand back and allow them to.