I am linking up with Lisa at Writing in the Buff for book blurb Friday. In 150 words or less, use the picture prompt to write an engaging back of the book blurb.
The Crook in the Tree harbors more than a lovely wild rose. When the Fifth First Bank on Fourth Avenue gets robbed, two armed guards give chase through the residential area. The wiry bandit avoids capture when he suddenly disappears, seemingly into thin air on Sixth Street.
His hideout happens to be the tree house of the ten year old, terrible Thomas triplets. The three boys’ shenanigans are decidedly worse than being captured. Will they spring the crook in the tree, or out of the tree?
86 words
Oh, this made me smile! What potential to have terror triplets - great idea.
I agree with Margo - definitely loads of potential for fun and all sorts of shenanigans
I had a good laugh at "Fifth First Bank on Fourth Avenue." And captive by triplets? Jail would be easier ... and quieter!
This sounds fun. The triplets sound like just the kids you don't want next door :-) I'm hooked.
This is great fun! Triplet boys - dear me . . .
Linda, this so funny! It could be a Disney movie. I love all the names, especially the name of the bank. I hope that the robber doesn't get poison ivy, or the boys send a long green snake up after him, lol.
Thanks for visiting, and have a great weekend.
Kathy M.
This gives the iconic "Home Alone" a whole new meaning. LOL This sounds terrific. I agree with Kathy---Disney could have a field day with this. Nice BBF!
The crooks in the tree will want to flee, from the boys of three...LOL! (Okay, sounds sort of weird now, but I'm tired-good one!)
Hi everyone, I don't know why I went with this kid theme, it just happened. Thanks for your comments.
Shades of Home Alone! Sounds like a fun read!
Love the name of the bank!
Sounds like these kids will make prison look good for the bandits!
Funny! Good one, Linda!
The bandit's number may just be up, thanks to those pesky triplets! I loved this!
The Fifth First Bank? I love it! Your names are wonderful and add so much to your blurb. Loved.It.
O'Henry would be proud, Linda! Bravo!
Hi, I just found your blog. Your book blurb sounds great! It makes me want to read the book and that's what it is supposed to do, right?
Oh my gosh, what a delight, all of it!!! Love the title, the bank name, the fun plot full of terrible triplets! I agree with the others--Disney needs this one.
That was a nice blurb--sounds like a fun youth adventure!
The Terrible Trio. LOved your blurb!
Thank you and welcome to my new followers. I so appreciate your comments.
Oooh! Reminds me of "Ransom of Red Chief" by O Henry. A wonderful idea, Linda, as usual! You almost always put your humorous "stamp" on your work...
oooh the terrors of the neighborhood. Sounds like a fun book!
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