River Whispers meanders into uncharted territory, snakes down a winding river and plunges the reader into a deep abyss. Bounty hunter, Boone Slick, hot on the trail of machete wielding, Jack Slater, a survivalist, tracks him into Carmelina Canyon. Slick knows every corner and crevice of the canyon floor, and he knows exactly how Slater thinks. Their mother, who always made excuses for Jack is found murdered. She can’t play favorites anymore.
It was already sounding interesting, then the final line made it irresistible.
I'm with Sandra. You already had me, but the last line clinches it. The names are great, too, and fit the story setting beautifully. The idea that these two are brothers is a terrific hook. Great blurb, Linda!
Wow! I was blindsided by the fact that they're brothers, and the mother's murder. Like Lisa, I was even further hooked by the last line. This story could get so murky and be so good. (If I buy a copy, would you sign it?)
Oh, that was a great start to a riveting story, Linda. Keep going! Great job! Susan
Nice twist there with the brothers. Sounds like a modern western in the making...
Sounds interesting!
ooh fun! Now if I wasn't babysitting my 2 year old grandson all weekend, I might be able to take time to write!!! hehe
Whoa! Awesome all the way around. I would buy this for sure. I love the last line. I hate it when people play favorites ... and it usually with the wrong kid, lol.
Have a wonderful weekend,
I'd buy it, just to read about the family dynamics - and whether playing favorites turned Jack into a very bad boy (as the blurb indicates).
Great job!
I want to read more! Superb!
I'd like to read more. :)
Great job! You set the tone wonderfully. I look forward to following your blog.
Oh a tease and already a twist! I want to know who wins!
I love the names...and then when you threw in the twist about their mother, I was sold.
This is going to be a battle to the death, I fear.
I agree--powerful last line!
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