What is nourishing your heart and soul during this time of quarantine?
We enjoy getting out of the house to drive to the pharmacy or grocery store for (mostly) parking lot pick ups. What used to seem like chores are now reasons to escape from home. I noticed the fertilizer is certainly feeding our roses. The blossoms are opening wide and little bees are getting their nourishment, too. This makes me feel happy.
What have you been doing for YOU? |
I have been reading and writing and eating way too much junk. I enjoy sitting outdoors when the weather permits, but what really makes both of us happy is a brief outing.
We stopped at a fast food drive through and took our breakfast to a nearby park with a lake. |
I took photos of flowers that made me smile and sigh, but the nicest surprise was when we parked the car and watched this heron glide across the lake, then soar away and return to strut its stuff.
I so wished I could visit with these doll babies and share my nature discoveries in person with them.
As we drove through the park we saw this beautiful sight. Realized later that all that glimmers is not gold. This is a field of goldenrod (I think). After I oohed, ahhed and inhaled... I aaachooed!
Ah, quarantine, where one day blends into the next.
Nature is soothing. Getting a dose of outdoors definitely helps, doesn't it?
Linda--I am right with you. Little trips have become exciting--something to look forward to.
I used to see lots of herons when I'd visit my parents in Florida. What gorgeous, graceful birds.
(And those three boys. What a wonderful day it will be when you get to hug them and spend the day with them again...)
Flowers in bloom have been helping me get through this quarantine too. Sweet photo of the boys.
Greatpictures of the boys, the heron, and the flowers!
Oh, lovely post, Linda. I agree that little trips to do formerly boring things, like go to the pharmacy, are now welcomed! Ha! If nothing else, this pandemic has truly made me appreciate the littlest of life's joys, amidst missing the big things, like hugging and kissing grandchildren. I am so happy you and your forever love saw that heron. Hope your weekend is blessed. Susan
Hi Linda. Lovely post, which I really enjoyed. Nature is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? Loved the photo of your gorgeous boys! I’m sure you’re missing them as much as I’m missing my three grandchildren. It’s hard, isn’t it? Such emotional times. We would never have expected this at the beginning of the year, would we?! My youngest daughter is doing our shopping for us. She lives just five minutes away and just leaves it in the garage. She is so afraid of us catching this dreadful virus! Bless her 🙏🏻. Make sure that you and Bill keep safe. Hopefully this too shall pass ....
Cute picture of the boys in their plaid shirts. We have those long-legged birds in our creek. They make a commotion when they fly off.
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