Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Abundant Blessings

I am thankful for my husband, my house, my health, our children, grandchildren and my friends. If only we knew when we're young what we know when we get older, but life itself is a learning experience. I have learned that what you give -whether it comes from deep within, out of your heart, or pocket -is reflected back to you. Anger generates more anger. Love and kindness, peace and calm, still the waters instead of ripple them. When your life seems to be spinning too fast, go to a quiet place in your mind, if only for a moment. My quiet place is a sunny lagoon in Mexico, shallow and turquoise blue where I eased my body down and floated without a care one summer day and listened to the surf pound the breakers hundreds of yards out. The ocean, my metaphor for life: daily living is sometimes like those breaking waves, but just beyond, there is a beautiful, calming, quiet refuge. Whether you are religious, spiritual or agnostic, may you find your higher power today and give thanks.