What is life? It is the flash of a firefly at night. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself at sunset. ~Crowfoot Quote
Oh the Lord's been good to me! I feel so blessed when my eyes behold a sunset such as this. Bunnies make me smile too. Late evening is my favorite part of the day. I've had a lazy, realxing day. I read Anne Lamott's book, GRACE (EVENTUALLY) Thoughts on Faith.
Anne has a way of laying it on the line and she has the unique ability to be reverent and irreverent simultaneously. This is not a book about religion. It is about facing fear, failure, family problems and finding faith. Sorry for the alliteration, but it is one of the finest books I've read in years. Her collection of personal essays speaks to the reader's heart and soul, especially if you are a mother. Her stories will make you laugh, nod in agreement, sigh with satisfaction or shed a tear. I guarantee you, you will want to call a friend or family member and read an excerpt aloud. Put this book on your reading list. It is a must read.
I tried to edit my blog after posting the photos and I accidentally deleted everything, including your comment, and had start over. I will check out Dayle's site. Thanks
What is this? ...Anne Lamott Day?! You and Pat W. both raved about 2 different books by Anne! I haven't read this one, but will definitely add it to my "getting longer every day" list!! :)
I've never read her before but she sounds wonderful. I read your story yesterday in the Beach book and it was wonderful! There are no coincidences for God.
Thanks. I also believe that there are no coincidences. Your CS beach story was gripping. Every mother knows that feeling whether at the shore or in a store.
Ah, another title for my "to read stack". Is it possible to be buried by books in your own home? Thanks for the tip. :)
Hi Linda - I'm a late bloomer to the writings of Anne Lamott, but I agree with your assessment. I've not read this one...will put it on my list. Thanks!
After Bird by Bird, I'm eager to read more Anne Lamott. Interestingly, I've seen reviews that indicate her nonfiction is superior to her fiction. It's hard for me to imagine anything she writes being less than superb!
If I ever write a book (ha) I hope you will write a blurb for me. You sure have made me want to read this book!
Claudia, Lisa, Pat and Tammy,
I am not exaggerating; in my opinion it is her best! Please write and tell me if you liked it as much as I did.
Yes, good book!
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