Many-many years ago when I was going through marital discord, I decided to punish him by spending a great deal of money on myself. We had just completely remodeled the kitchen, floor to ceiling. He bought a new fridge-freezer that stood side by side closer than we ever did, and a new range for me to roam. I hung shelves longer than our love and displayed my teacher mugs with cliche's inscribed on them. Behind the sink, I sunk fake bricks into thick adhesive and left the last one askew, like our life.
Being the practical person that I am, I drove to Sears and bought myself a $300.00 heavy-as-me microwave (that's how long ago it was; they were new on the market) and a set of ceramic canisters that cost an exorbitant $40.00. By the time the Sears charge came due, the lawyer was dividing the debts, and we ended up splitting the charges. :-(
Neither of us were substance abusers, but I joke, rehab didn't work!
Our son and daughter have each blessed us with a boy and a girl, and the youngest, Nicole, three, is Nana's girl! When they were small I told each of them that the stick figures on my sweatshirt were them and their sibling. Nicole is convinced.
"This one's ME! and that's my brudder!"
I find that reading a good book on a lousy weather day to be quite comforting. Be sure and fix yourself a yummy cup of hot chocolate to go along with your reading time. And if you really want to relax, add a dollop of Bailey's to the cup! ;)
I love Elizabeth Berg! I have read all her books. They are such a pleasant escape, just right for a snow day. Our drive is blocked even more after snow plows. Hubby says we won't be out in a week! I don't like that feeling. We might eat ourselves silly by then!Enjoy your day home...
Nicole looks a lot like her Nana...What a cutie!
I agree with Bookie. I enjoy Berg's novels. (I loved the phrase "a range for me to roam." Even your posts are well crafted!)
Thanks for sharing, Linda! It takes a lot of courage to share so honestly about ourselves. Great photo! I loved OPEN HOUSE.
Hot chocolate and an oatmeal cookie!
I am enjoying the book and eating everything in sight too.
Sioux, Thanks for the compliments.
Thank you for visiting today. I just had an essay published about writing personal essay. I think it's akin to wearing a bikini or Speedo when you want to be wrapped in a beach blanket. It is scary to reveal so much, but authentic writing requires it.
Hi Linda - So glad you are safe and warm! And your granddaughter is beautiful. Oh, my goodness, those amazing eyes! And she has her Nana's smile.
I am fortunate to never have gone through a divorce, but I do recall early on in my marriage (30 years ago) after an argument with my beloved I went shopping. On purpose. I felt so guilty afterward I ended up returning the expensive skirt I purchased. LOL Never did get the whole revenge thing down very well, I guess.
Sorry about your divorce - sounds like you made a great recovery. Your granddaughter is cute.
I seldom buy things for myself, fill the cart and then put things back. Glad you're happily wed. So am I.
I was a teenaged bride and we married out of high school for all the wrong reasons. Some good things came out of that marriage as well as many life experiences. He and I are happily remarried to other partners and we all get along.
Oh Linda,you are so funny, even when you don't mean to be. Wonder if that crooked "brick" is still there!
Thanks for all your visits and comments on my blog, Linda. You're the best. Susan
I'll bet the new owners donp;t have the slightest idea, why that brick is crooked :)
Hi Linda,
Always amusing and uplifting! What a great story and an even greater photo.
Donna, Thanks. I just read your great story Julie's Gift in Cup of Comfort.
I love the roaming range and side by side and long shelves.... We remodeled just before divorce, too. Thanks for the smiles.
Linda, Elizabeth Berg is absolutely one of my favorite authors--and Open House is one of the first books I bought when I decided I was going to start using my meager savings to support writers instead of always reserving at the library (although I still do that, too). I love that book! And I have to also comment that I have the Cup of Comfort book with Donna's story, "Julie's Gift." So happy to be acquainted with such wonderful writers. Thanks for your friendship!
Thanks. I love words. Strange how remodeling helps us shed the old and make way for the new.
The book may not be about every woman's life, but it is like reading most women's thoughts.
I LOVE E. BERG!! She is my favorite author and have read almost all of them:)
I wish I could cheer you up with warm weather temps here, but baby, it's cold outside. Um, not snow blizzard, cabin-fever, chugging-warm-toddies kind of cold, but honestly, if the temp goes below 50, I'm not happy.
I couldn't help laughing over you having to pay half that bill. Seriously, Linda, you are a hoot!
Funny Linda - obviously you have a way with words! Surely you've read Elizabeth Berg's writing book - Escaping Into the Open. One of my favorites with tons of writing prompts to get one's pen moving.
Oh and I kept wanting to tell you that I loved your article in the St. Louis Writers Guild newsletter, The Scribe!
I enjoyed reading your writing. You're funny.
:-) Thanks 4 sharing!
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