If a pebble in the two-timing king's shoe can cause him a teeny bit of aggravation, imagine what this rock will do to his cheating sole.
Micro Fiction Monday over at Susan's Stony River Please visit Susan and comment on the other Micro Fiction writers, or give it a try.
The news that I have been holding close to my heart is that I will be assisting C. Hope Clark at the Missouri Writer's Guild JUST WRITE! Conference. Yes, it is THE Hope Clark who has provided a wealth of information to writers across the globe. I am honored to assist. Check out Hope's blog and web site, Funds for Writers. She has an interesting observation about black dogs. Our humane society did a story on this topic a while back.
My writing has been like the weather, tornadic. I rip through one essay and am on to a poem or two or three. Last night we headed to the basement as the wind whipped and hail pelted and the tornado siren blared. The storms came and went rather quickly. The meterologists are claiming tornadoes touched down several times, damaging roofs and snapping light poles. Took out the movie theater sign and hop scotched across town. We didn't have any damage.
I would love to hear from YOU today.
Great MM. That's poetic justice for you!!! :O)
Oh congratulations on the gig with Hope Clark at the writer's conference! I subscribe to her newsletter. You'll be awesome, I can't wait to hear all about it.
Glad the storm did no damage.
Your microfiction in one word: SUPERB!!!
P.S. I'm glad you didn't end up in OZ last night. You would have missed out on the Missouri Writer's Guild JUST WRITE! Conference. <--CONGRATULATIONS!
Terrific take on the pic of the week! Let's make that a BIG rock, too!! Great giggle to start my day! Hope your day goes well! Enjoy!
Of course a rock will be much better than a pebble!
Love your take on the pic.
Lt's make that a boulder for the cheating King.
Oh wow, Linda. Sounds like you guys had some real yucko weather. It's miserable here too....gray, cold, and icy rain. Yippee!
Congrats on helping C.Hope at the conference. I am a Follower of her blog. That was great news.
One exciting thing around here, for me, is that my son helped me put a button on my blog that goes directly to eBay items I am selling! (It's on the sidebar of my blog). I've been developing an eBay business to help with bill paying and I'm terribly excited. This is a new venture for me...scary but fun!
Take care and stay warm! Susan
Indeed, imagine what that big rock will do! And my hat's off to you for completing even one sentence amid that chaos! I don't think I could concentrate on my work if I thought the roof would blow off at any moment.
LOL! Loved the microfiction. My writing can seem like a tornado sometimes and then there's a lull! :O)
Imaginific MM!
Nice Microfiction. And congrats on being the assistant to C. Hope Clark!
Love the 'sole' reference...would serve the king right!
Have a great week. Cheers~
You have a way with words with this week's entry Linda-very nice!
I like how that fairy-girl thinks! As always, I think you turn phrases with the best.
The rock--Oh, NO! Not THAT!
Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum...I'm gonna rock this castle around the clock. I LIKED your rendition!
Revenge is a fabulous theme. LOL Good one.
Very punny! Loved it.
Have a great week.
Welcome to my followers and thank YOu for your comments today. I am having fun with Micro Fiction Mondays. Glad I discovered all fo you.
Nicely done! You've got the hang of MF! And congrats on your role in the conference. How cool is that? No wonder you're so excited!
Like your take on the MF, very witty. Those tornadoes must be so frightening. I was talking to my sister who lives in Arkansas last Thursday and their sirens were going off too. Fortuntately no harm or damage was done there, am glad you're all ok too.
Hey Linda! Great take on the photo prompt! And congrats on being C. Hope Clark's buddy at the conference! Very Cool!
Congrats, Linda, for being an "insider" at the conference! Have a great time. Sounds like something I'd enjoy!
That's wonderful, you and Hope Clark! Though I've never met Hope, I've shared a listserv with her and feel as if I know her. Hey! Kinda like I know you. I've got a feeling you two will get along famously! :-)
Do we have to go from snow to tornados?!?! We were up until midnight Sunday night too. Glad you are getting such writing done! I am not even getting to form a thought around here much less write it down. I'd like to try the micro fiction sometime soon!
Good one Linda - we went for the same play on words! And thanks for following me!
River Styx is having their Microfiction contest winners read at the Schlafly Tap Room this coming Monday night (the 7th), at 7 pm. I'll be hanging out there with Tom, and it should be a good time, if anyone is interested!
Congratulations on your very exciting news!
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